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Ford Fiesta 1.6 Duratec Exi

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About Ford Fiesta 1.6 Duratec S

The Ford Fiesta S 1.6 petrol - Fire the Chauffeur! Never has raw performance looked so good! A 101 PS engine, all-new colors, new aerodynamic styling kit, 15 inch alloys and all new ebony and jasper blue interior environment makes this the "car buffs" dream come true!

he Ford Fiesta S. A car that's every bit what it looks like, and more. 101 PS, 0-100 in 11.43 seconds, five star rated for handling and stability now in the skin of a true blue street rod. With 15 inch alloy wheels, low profile rubber, aerodynamic spoilers, and a front air dam that will suck in enough to leave everyone on the outside breathless. And then there's the inside. New ebony and jasper blue interior environment, a honeycomb instrument cluster, leather wrapped steering wheel and optimum aluminum finish gear lever. Punched alloy pedals, brush steel console and the refined aggression that only fine pedigree can bring. After all, when you've worked hard for the success you've achieved, you might as well enjoy flaunting it!

Safety is not an optional extra on the New Ford Fiesta. Driver and passenger airbags provide calm reassurance, no matter what the road conditions are. ABS and EBD are standard on the SXI, giving you the assurance that when you want to stop, you will. Optimized steel strength in critical areas along with structural reinforcements ensures passengers and the driver are unscathed even in the unfortunate event of a collision from any side of the car. This reinforcement actually covers passenger from frontal, side and rear collisions. Moreover, thoughtful features like anti submarine seats, fuel cut off in case of a collision and ELR (Emergency locking retractor), seatbelts that tighten when the car senses a collision, all contribute to keeping you safer than in any car in its class. Above all, there's the warm feeling of security that comes from being ensconced in a car that wears the badge of superlative safety. The Blue Oval.

for Ford Fiesta 1.6 Duratec S specification, click here

Ford Fiesta 1.6 Duratec S
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Ford Fiesta Models
Ford Fiesta 1.6 Duratec EXI
Ford Fiesta 1.6 Duratec ZXI
Ford Fiesta 1.6 Duratec SXI
Ford Fiesta 1.6 Duratec S
Ford Fiesta 1.4 Duratorq EXI
Ford Fiesta 1.4 Duratorq ZXI
Ford Fiesta 1.4 Duratorq SXI

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