Dove Tours Pvt Ltd.

Dove tours pvt ltd popularly known as Dove tours was founded with a passion to get travellers off the beaten track in India.Ever since its inception Dove tours has been concentrating on some of the most unexplored and exotic tribal areas of India and its tribal culture, wildlife and multitude of adventures. Under the able guidance and leadership of its founder Mr Gagan sarangi ,Dove tours has already earned the reputation as one of the best tribal tours operators of india. Recently published BBC BOOK the " Unforgottable journeys to Take before you die" has recognised us and included our tour programme TRIBAL JOURNEY OF ORISSA as one of the best 30 must see adventure journeys of the world. Dove tours is Recognised by the Ministry of tourism , Government of India as Tour Operator and also recommended by some of the best known international adventure travel guide books, like -AA adventure travellers.