
Tayo Rolls Limited (TAYO), a subsidiary of Tata Steel Limited since December, 2008, was promoted in collaboration with Yodogawa Steel Works, Japan and Nissho Iwai Corporation of Japan for production of Cast Iron and Cast Steel Rolls for metallurgical industries. Other products include Forged Rolls, Engineering Forgings and Ingots. Tayo Rolls Limited, formerly Tata Yodogawa Limited was incorporated in 1968 and started its operations then.Since inception, TAYO has strengthened its presence in India and abroad as a leading and dependable Roll manufacturer. TAYO is the only Company in the world to manufacture both Cast and Forged Rolls right from Iron Ore with its integrated facilities under one roof. TAYO has the advantage of harnessing the technologies from both European and Japanese collaborators. TAYO has recently entered into the business of manufacture of ingots, Engineering Forgings and Forged Rolls apart from the established Cast Roll and Pig Iron business. Commercial production has commenced from 30th March,2011 from our newly set up integrated Forge Shop. As a Roll manufacturer TAYO also helps its customers in selecting right grade of rolls to improve their mill performance.TAYO has requisite infrastructure, experience, capability and expertise to undertake manufacture of tailor made Cast and Forged Rolls, Ingots, Engineering Forgings, and to meet the customer specific requirements.