Marine Care 'N' Associates

Marine Care 'N' Associates (MCNA), Visakhapatnam, India is a registered Marine and Industrial service unit established and commenced its activities in the field of providing repair services to visiting ships since 1994 with a group of specialised staff from different fields to suit and supervises the jobs on board ships and industrial field. Government of Andhra Pradesh Industries Department recognizes the establishment as a Small Scale Industry. MCNA is having a Ship Repairing License (General) issued by Visakhapatnam Port Trust serving the visiting commercial ships called at Vizag Port and at its territory after having a satisfactory inspection at our works by the competent authorities. In addition, MCNA also registered with Indian Coast Guard for Refit of all classes of ships & Indian Navy for their ship repair jobs at Naval Dockyard, Visakhapatnam. MCNA is also equipped with vibration analysis checks on board machinaries and on site machines in indusrial fields.