7Eleven Arthashastra Technology Pvt Ltd.

7Eleven Arthashashtra is organization of experienced and accomplished technocrats with a mission to empower students in information technology (IT) in Chennai. Our idea of student empowerment is to mold students to be employment ready with a rigorous focus on fundamentals, coupled with excellent practical and hands-on sessions. By delivering the best coaching in various domains like ERPsolutions (SAP, Oracle, Ramco cloud ERP and Microsoft Dynamics), programming, database administration software testing, web designing, big data and data analytics in Chennai, we give students an in-depth understanding of the subject from a 360° perspective. This gives them the requisite confidence to tackle questions in interviews and work successfully in a real-time environment, and thereby completes the cycle of empowerment. At 7Eleven Arthashastra, you interact and join hands with some of the best minds in the SAP training industry.