Panoli Intermediates (India) Pvt. Ltd

Panoli Intermediates (India) Pvt. Ltd, the proximity to Chloro alkali plants & advantage of this lead to its foundation in 1999 in Jhagadia to manufacture Chlorinated Aromatic compounds by having Chlorine through pipeline from adjacent Chloro alkali plant. 2002 saw the commissioning of a Nitro compounds manufacturing unit in Nandesari for its forward integration plans. This also gave the benefit of getting common effluent treatment plant facilities developed by the industries association there. In 2009, as a part of forward integration Hydrogenation facility for producing value added Benzene and Toluene base derivatives at Jhagadia is commissioned.
Contact Details
Registered Office
Panoli Intermediates (India) Pvt. Ltd
F 108, Mohta Bldg, 4
Bhikaji Cama Place
New Delhi, DH 110066
Phone: +91-11-26196368
Fax: +91-11-26193708
Corporate Office
Panoli Intermediates (India) Pvt. Ltd
Saranivas, 20-21, Hari Nagar Co - Op - Society
Gotri Road
Vadodara, GJ 390007
Phone: +91-265-2397013, 2396498, 2396751
Fax: +91-265-2397245
Mumbai Office
Panoli Intermediates (India) Pvt. Ltd
703 / Dalamal Tower
Nariman Point
Mumbai, MH 380021
Phone: +91-22-22875274