ESSEN CONSTRUCTION has been promoted by NKB group, one of the leading business houses of Orissa in the field of minerals and iron and steel production. The group has interest in the fields iron and manganese ore mining, mines development, sponge iron production, induction furnace with own captive rolling mills as well as retail sales of industrial products. ESSEN CONSTRUCTION was launched by the promoters of NKB group to fulfill the felt need of consumers of Orissa for a professionally managed real estate development firm, which is acutely conscious of value enrichment of its customers and swears by the cardinal principals of modern management - namely quality in product, timeliness of delivery, continuous innovativeness and being always eager in adapting to the changing needs of the customers.
Contact Details
Contact Us
S-2 / A-42, 43, 44
Mancheswar Ind. Estate
Bhubaneswar, OR 751010
Phone: +91-674-2588877 / 78 / 79
Mobile: +91-9437503369