Dyestuffs Manufacturers Association of India

The DMAI Manufacturers Association of India was set up in 1950, (Manufacture of dyes in India was started in 1940), to promote & protect trade, commerce & Industries connected with dyestuffs & to encourage friendly feelings & unanimity amongst those engaged in the manufacture of dyestuffs in India. This objective has been achieved manifold; be it representations to various Ministries & Governmental agencies, encouraging the exports of the country, high-lighting causes to Municipal Authorities, encouraging deserving students, increasing our own technical competence etc. The Association, in the 50's & 60's encouraged the development of the Small Scale Industry in the Dyestuff trade. It took up the cause of these newly established companies and played an important role in obtaining import licenses for the vital raw materials required by these SSI companies. The Association has also helped the Small Scale Industries in getting concessional excise tariffs and reservation benefits.
Contact Details
Office address
Dyestuffs Manufacturers Association of India
46/47, 4th Floor,296, Samuel Street
Mumbai, MH 400003
Phone: +91-22-23420752
Fax: +91-22-23411036