This page contains the list of companies in Textiles - Manmade category. Click on the company name to get further details of the company. |
» Aditya Birla Ltd A US $41 billion (Rs. 2,50,000 crore) corporation, the Aditya Birla Group is in the League of Fortune 500. Anchored by an extraordinary force of over 120,000 employees, belonging to 42 nationalities. Over 50 per cent of its revenues flow from its overseas operations spanning 36 countries. The Aditya Birla Group has been ranked fourth in the world and.... |
» Central India Polyesters Ltd The company has registered a sales of Rs 7714.68 lacs for the fiscal ended March 31, 2002 as compared to Rs 6984.94 lacs in previous year. During the year under review despite adverse market conditions in the Cement Industry, the Company has performed satisfactorily. The Power Division viz.. Mini Hydel Project at GBC Narsaraopet and Wind Farm at Ramagiri.... |
» Century Enka Ltd Established in 1965, Cenury Enka Limited (CEL) is part of B.K. Birla group of companies. CEL has two manufacturing sites, located at Pune (Maharashtra) and Rajashree Nagar (Bharuch - Gujrat). The unit at Rajashree Nagar site is known as Rajashree Polyfil. The products manufactured by Century Enka Limited are Polyester Filament Yarn, Nylon Filament Yarn, Polyester POY, Polyester and.... |
» Futura Polyesters Ltd Futura today is truly a Complete Polyester Company, covering the entire range of Polyesters from PET through PBT, PTT, PEN, PTN and PBN. The `Futura brand is synonymous with products for the future: Speciality Polyesters for high end application. Futura works with Global Companies such as Pepsi, Coke, GE Plastics, Shell Chemicals, Faerchplast-Denmark, Associates Packaging Technologies -.... |
» India Polyfibres Ltd Mahad in Maharashtra & Rajashree Polyfil - Bharuch in Gujrat producing Nylon & Polyester Filament Yarns (Textile grade), POY, Jumbo Beams, Speciality Yarns, Industrial/Fibre grade Chips, Industrial Yarns & Tyre Cord Fabrics. CEL is having installed cap |
» Indian Acrylics Ltd Indian Acrylics Ltd is the largest and most efficient acrylic fiber manufacturer of India and an important player in the global industry with exports to Asia, Europe and the Middle East. Its dry spun acrylic fiber quality is outstanding thanks to its unique dog bone shaped cross section. Product optimization, reliability and environmental consciousness (green captive power generation since.... |
» JBF Industries Ltd JBF Industries Ltd. stands on a gleaming pinnacle of success as an industry leader in the Polyester Industry value chain today. Established in 1982, JBF Industries was founded by Mr. Bhagirath Arya as a Yarn Texturising company, and since then has backward integrated into manufacturing Partially Oriented Yarn (POY), Polyester (BOPET) Film and also various types of Bottle grade,.... |
» Nirlon Ltd Conveniently located on Mumbai's 8 lane Western Express Highway, one of Mumbai's main arterial roads, the Nirlon Knowledge Park is an easy commute from the western and eastern suburbs of Mumbai. A majority of the city's professional workforce lives in the Western suburbs, which have a ready availability of residential accommodation. Nirlon Knowledge Park is also located close to.... |
» Nova Petrochemicals Ltd Conveniently located on Mumbai's 8 lane Western Express Highway, one of Mumbai's main arterial roads, the Nirlon Knowledge Park is an easy commute from the western and eastern suburbs of Mumbai. A majority of the city's professional workforce lives in the Western suburbs, which have a ready availability of residential accommodation. Nirlon Knowledge Park is also located close to.... |
» NRC Ltd NCR, a global tech company—and we run the everyday transactions that make your life easier. We’re the world leader in consumer transaction technologies, turning everyday interactions with businesses into exceptional experiences. With our software, hardware and portfolio of services, we make more than 450 million transactions possible every day. We’re helping our customers respond to the demand for.... |
» Paras Petrofils Ltd M/s. Paras Petrofils Limited is incorporated on 20th March 1991 as public limited company with registrar of companies, Gujarat under Registration No. 04 -15254 of 1990-91. The company is promoted by Mr. Devraj Jain, Mr. Kailash Chand Jain, Mr. Raghubir Singh Jain, Mr. Anand Kumar Jain, Mr. Ashok Kumar Jain & Mr. Des Raj Jain of Paras.... |
» Prag Bosimi Synthetics Ltd Prag Bosimi Synthetics Limited (PBSL) is the largest Joint Sector Company and only industrial venture of public – private initiative in the entire North East India promoted by the Government of Assam through Assam Industrial Development Corporation Limited (AIDC) and Mr. H. B. Vyas Group. It is the first major project that has come up in the North East.... |
» Recron Synthetics Ltd Recron Synthetics Ltd was comprising the holding company, India Infoline Limited and its wholly-owned subsidiaries, straddle the entire financial services space with offerings ranging from Equity research, Equities and derivatives trading, Commodities trading, Portfolio Management Services, Mutual Funds, Life Insurance, Fixed deposits, GoI bonds and other small savings instruments to loan products and Investment banking. |
» SRF Ltd SRF with a turnover of $675 million (Rs. 4000 crore) is a multi-business entity engaged in the manufacture of chemical based industrial intermediates. Its business portfolio covers Technical Textiles, Fluorochemicals, Specialty Chemicals, Packaging Films and Engineering Plastics. As a manufacturer of a wide range of products that make people's daily lives safer and more comfortable, SRF claims to touch.... |
» Sumeet Industries Ltd Established Sumeet Industries Limited in 1989. The company started as a yarn manufacturing unit and has now grown in a huge conglomerate with various businesses with an annual turn over of Rs. 3638 million. The company believes that perfection is something that’s defined by the customer and not by any formula or certificate. Guided by our core values, today.... |
» Zenith Fibres Ltd ZENITH FIBRES LIMITED incorporated in the year 1989 and promoted by multi Crore conglomerate AAEKAY RUNGTA GROUP of Kolkata, is the only Company in India manufacturing virtually the entire range of POLYPROPYLENE STAPLE FIBRE from very fine to coarse Denier. The Company is also involved in the marketing of PP SPUN AND DREF-2 YARN. Its products are very well.... |
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