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  This page contains the list of companies in Textiles - Cotton Or Blended category. Click on the company name to get further details of the company.
» Aarvee Denims & Exports Ltd
Aarvee Denims and Exports Ltd is a leading global player in the textile industry. Being backed by experienced promoters, the company is spreading its wings all over the globe at a very fast pace. Established in 1988 by Arora & VB Group, which has been involved in textile trade for over 50 years, are the forces behind this dynamic....

» Abhishek Industries Ltd
TridentGroup is a leading diversified group of businesses. Trident Limited (Trident) is the flagship company of TridentGroup, a USD 1 billion Indian business conglomerate and a global player. With the establishment of the state-of-the-art manufacturing processes and systems coupled with appropriate human capital and credentials, Trident has frequently received accolades from its patrons in recognition for delivering high quality....

» Amarjothi Spinning Mills Ltd
Amarjothi Spinning Mills Ltd by believing in the focal point of patience, practice and ceaseless importunity, Amarjothi has mastered and sustained the unseen force of the human will to excel. By believing in the focal point of patience, practice and ceaseless importunity, Amarjothi has mastered and sustained the unseen force of the human will to excel.

» Ambika Cotton Mills Ltd
Ambika Cotton Mills Limited (ACML) based out of Coimbatore in Southern India, is engaged in the manufacture of premium quality Compact and Elitwist cotton yarn for hosiery and weaving. It is an established player in the international and domestic yarn market with exports constituting roughly sixty percent of its revenues. The company was incorporated in 1988 and its 4....

» Amit Spinning Industries Ltd
Amit Spinning Industries Ltd is manufacturers of the products like eco-friendly fabrics made of organic cotton.

» Arunoday Mills Ltd
Arunoday Mills main object of the company is cotton yarn spinning. Its factory is located at Morbi, Gujarat, for manufacturing cotton yarn, cotton and blended yarn with the installed capacity of 39,504 spindles. The company belongs to Arunoday Group of companies, which was incorporated in 1942. The group started its activities in trading, today it manufactures and exports yarn,....

» Arvind Limited
Arvind Limited started with a share capital of Rs 2,525,000 ($55,000) in the year 1931. With the aim of manufacturing the high-end superfine fabrics Arvind invested in very sophisticated technology. With 52,560 ring spindles, 2552 doubling spindles and 1122 looms it was one of the few companies in those days to start along with spinning and weaving facilities in....

» Arvind Mills Ltd
Styles may be short lived, but for well over seven decades Arvind has been defining and shaping many a collection and trendsetting styles across the ramps and retail outlets of the fashion capitals of the world. Arvind is today synonymous with a vast range of lifestyles products - be it fabrics or brands. Time and again we have been....

» Ashima Ltd
Ashima is one of India's leading 100% cotton fabric manufacturers. It is a technology driven vertically integrated Group with a turnover of over US$ 135 million per annum. We offer the most comprehensive range of cotton textile products, encompassing each and every need of the garment industry.

More than two-thirds of our production of 60 million meters of woven....

» Bhilwara Spinners Ltd
The esteemed journey of the LNJ Bhilwara Group started in 1960, when the Group’s founder, Mr. L. N. Jhunjhunwala established a textile mill in Bhilwara, Rajasthan, characterizing the very beginning of the Group’s unfaltering success and prosperity. The Group has completed 50 glorious years and today that single textile mill of 1961 has expanded into several plants; the Group....

» Cheslind Textiles Ltd
Cheslind Textiles Ltd (CTL) ) is a Public Limited Company incorporated under the Companies Act during 1989 as 100% EOU for manufacturing of Cotton Yarn. CTL setup its first unit at its registered office cum spinning unit at B Muduganapalli, Bagalur, Hosur TQ, Tamilnadu during 1993 with installed capacity of 25000 spindles and this capacity was increased from time....

» Dawn Mills Company Ltd
Dawn Mills Company Limited is a private mill located at Lower Parel in Mumbai and is a manufacturer and marketer of cotton and blended yarn and knitted fabrics. The mill is a 27,000 square meter complex surrounded by residential and commercial centres like Peninsula corporate park-Morarji Mill compound, Kamala Mills and the shopping mall-Phoenix Mills. Dawn Mills Company....

» Forbes Gokak Ltd
Forbes & Company Limited is one of the oldest companies of world that is still in business. The company traces its origin to the year 1767 when John Forbes of Scotland started his business in India.Over the years, the management of the company moved from the Forbes Family to the Campbells to the Tata Group and now finally to....

» Gangotri Textiles Ltd
Gangotri Textiles Limited, a vertically integrated textile unit has world class in- house facilities from processing yarn to manufacture of finished garments. With a clear vision, a sense of purpose and sheer hard work, guided by a team of professionals and steered by an enterprising management, Gangotri continues to diversify its products and extend its customer reach. Gangotri began....

» Ginni Filaments Ltd
Ginni Filaments Ltd.(GFL) was commissioned with 26208 spindles to produce ultrafine combed cotton yarn. A 100% export oriented unit, it was designed to produce a quality that was genuinely world class. Sophisticated plant & machinery from the world renowned machinery manufacturers viz. Rieter, Schlafhorst, Volkmann etc. with top of the line support systems for quality monitoring were installed. ....

» GTN Textiles Ltd
Ginni Filaments Ltd.(GFL) was commissioned with 26208 spindles to produce ultrafine combed cotton yarn. A 100% export oriented unit, it was designed to produce a quality that was genuinely world class. Sophisticated plant & machinery from the world renowned machinery manufacturers viz. Rieter, Schlafhorst, Volkmann etc. with top of the line support systems for quality monitoring were installed. ....

» Hanjer Fibres Ltd
Hanjer Fibres Ltd was manufacturer Of Coarse Cotton Yarns, Fabrics, Woven , Industrial Yarns And Sewing Threads , Man-made.

» HP Cotton Textile Mills Ltd
HP Threads is a popular brand of products from HP Cotton Textile Mills Limited, one of largest exporters of cotton specialty yarns and cotton sewing threads from India.Established in 1984, the company, which is a part of Dora Group, a leading textile group of India, specializes in manufacturing cotton yarns and threads.The company has a strong market reputation for....

» Indo Count Industries Ltd
Indo Count Industries Ltd is one of India's leading vertically integrated textile manufacturing companies, was incorporated as a public limited company in 1988. Promoted by Mr. Anil Kumar Jain and associates. The primary objectives of the company was to successfully develop the business as a leading Global textile Player. In addition to Textiles, Indo count ventured in electronics as....

» Kallam Spinning Mills Ltd
Kallam Spinning Mills in modern fashion technology, the demand for perfection begins right at the birth of the raw material, permeates through every single process, till the highly discerning customer dons the finished garment. It is this demand for perfection that has spurred the growth of an organisation and its corporate philosophy. Those who can furnish clients with the....

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