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  This page contains the list of companies in Gold & Precious Metals category. Click on the company name to get further details of the company.
» AERO Products
AERO Products are Silver Recovery Unit Manufacturer and are in this business for more then 30 years. Using our Silver Recovery Units you can Recover or Extract Silver from any photographic waste solution. You can recover or extract silver from Hypo, Fixer, Colour Bleach, CD Developer Solution, X-Ray films or Black & White Films. This Silver Extraction or Silver....

» Ankit Gems
Ankit Gems is the leading Government Recognized Export House Unit engaged in the business of manufacturing and exporting of all kinds of cut and polished diamonds. Establishers of the company Mr.VasantBhai Shah, Mr. ArvindBhai Shah, Mr. ArunBhai Shah, Mr.PravinBhai Shah, Mr. DilipBhai Shah and Mr. DilipBhai Soni are dedicated to business since last 25 years. They are....

» BBL Group
BBL Group established in the year 1940 as a partnership company by the founder Late Shri Kanhaiya Lal Gupta, this parent company was reconstituted as a Private Limited Company in 1981 and went Public in the year 1988. A Government recognized Export Trading House, the company, from its New Delhi Office, is headed by the Director, R. K.....

» Chemmanur Gold Refinery Pvt Ltd
Chemmanur Gold Refinery started operations as a medium scale industry, at Cochin, in the State of Kerala, the heartland of gold trade, in the South of India. The Company has been certified - ISO 9001 : 2000 and is the first Gold Refinery in India to be certified for ISO Standards. Through the use of advanced....

» Crystal Corporation
Crystal Corporation has been in the business of manufacturing, fabricating and installing Aluminum Architectural Products such as open able and sliding windows, doors and louvers etc. since 1981. In keeping with the company's continuing aim of bringing into India world's advanced facade technology agreement with Curtain Walling International Pty. Ltd., Perth, W. Australia, who designed the world's first Unitised....

» Deccan Gold Mines Ltd
Deccan Gold Mines Ltd. (DGML), is the first and the only gold exploration company listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange Limited (BSE) which was established in the year 2003 by promoters with deep roots in the exploration and mining sector. DGML has been involved in gold exploration activities in the states of Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh where the activities....

» Nemichand Bamalwa & Sons
Nemichand Bamalwa & Sons is one of the leading jewellers in India. Based in Calcutta, the firm is a family business with a traditional jewellery family background dating back to centuries. Currently the firm is actively controlled and managed by Madanlal Bamalwa, Hansraj Bamalwa, Bachhraj Bamalwa, Bajranglal Bamalwa, Vinod Bamalwa, and Rajkumar Bamalwa. The company's field of activities ranges....

» Parekh Platinum Limited
Parekh Platinum Limited (PPL) stands out distinctly as one of the leaders in the field of precious metals, chemicals, metallurgical technologies and jewellery, catering to a wide spectrum of customers. The company is distinguished by its commitment to success ....

» Venus Precious Metals Refinery
Venus Precious Metals Refinery or VPMR was incorporated in 1987 as a service provider for scrap and metal refining. Since then, we have advanced in the field and extended our service domain into an absolute refinery unit. Presently, we are placed among the specialist service provider of various precious metals refining such as Gold, Platinum, Rhodium, Silver & Palladium....

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