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  This page contains the list of companies in Coal Mines category. Click on the company name to get further details of the company.
» Ashapura Minechem Ltd
Ashapura Group is India's largest muti-mineral solutions provider. The flagship company Ashapura Minechem Ltd. is listed on India's premier exchanges. Ashapura Minechem Ltd. is a part of the BSE Midcap & BSE 500 indices. The group has mining & mineral processing facilities in Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh and Orissa. Today Ashapura Group has attained global status with....

» Facor Steels Ltd
This Company belongs to FACOR Group owned by Saraf Family. Ferro Alloys Corporation Ltd (FACOR) was established in the year 1956 for production of ferromanganese at Garividi Andhra Pradesh and diversified to production of ferro chrome and charge chrome at Randia Orissa.As a major step towards forward integration, FACOR took over the mini-steel plant located at Nagpur in the....

» GMR Industries Ltd
GMR Industries Ltd was manufacturer and distribution of ferro alloys. GMR Group's manufacturing businesses export to key markets abroad, while having a positive impact and collaborating continuesly with the communities where they are located. An integrated Sugar complex, having a cane crushing capacity of 3125 tonnes per day. The factory is also an ISO 9001 certified sugar factory manufacturing....

» Gujarat Intrux Ltd
Mardia Tubes Limited was incorporated as a Private Limited Company on 5th January, 1983, and is registered with Registrar of Companies, Maharashtra, Everest, 100, Marine Drive, Bombay - 400 002. It was subsequently converted into a Public Limited Company on 4th May, 1992. The Company has been promoted by Mr. Surendra Mardia and Mr. Ravindra Mardia, with the main....

» Gujarat Mineral Development Corporation Ltd
Gujarat Mineral Development Corporation Limited, (GMDC) was evolved in the year 1963, with a charter to develop major mineral resources in the State of Gujarat. The Company commenced its operations, with a small sand crushing plant at Surendranagar which supplied graded sand to consumers....

» Himadri Chemicals & Industries Ltd
Himadri Group of Industries has seven public limited companies under its banner with a net worth of more than Rs. 2.20 billion, with interests in chemicals, cold storage, iron and steel and finance. Himadri Chemicals & Industries Ltd., the flagship Company, was founded to develop, manufacture and market chemical products, with a....

» Hindustan Copper Ltd
Hindustan Copper Limited (HCL), a public sector undertaking under the administrative control of the Ministry of Mines, was incorporated on 9th November 1967. It has the distinction of being the nation's only vertically integrated copper producing company as it manufactures copper right from the stage of mining to beneficiation, smelting, refining and casting of refined copper metal into downstream....

» Hindustan Zinc Ltd
Hindustan Zinc is a Vedanta Group company in zinc, lead and silver business. We are one of the world's largest integrated producer of zinc and are among leading global lead and silver producers. We are one of the lowest cost producers in the world and are well placed to serve the growing demand of Asian countries. Hindustan Zinc is....

» Impex Ferro Tech Ltd
The company was incorporated on June 07, 1995 with the intention to set up a plant for manufacturing Silico Manganese and Ferro Manganese, In the year 1997-98, the company set up two number of submerged arc furnaces with capacities of 3.60 MVA & 5 MVA for manufacturing Silico Manganese and Ferro Manganese respectively at Kalyaneswary, West Bengal and the....

» Indian Charge Chrome Ltd
Indian Charge Chrome Ltd (ICCL) Located in Choudwar across the banks of the Mahanadi river from the millennium city of Cuttack, Orissa's second largest city and erstwhile capital, ICCL is a 100% Export Oriented Unit. It houses a 48 MVA furnace dedicated to producing Ferro Chrome and a 108 MW coal-based Captive Power Plant which not only meets the....

» Indsil Electrosmelts Ltd
INDSIL Group of Companies is manufacturing Ferro Alloys, Calcium Carbide. They have two manufacturing units one in Kerala South India and other one in Raipur Chattisgar North India Both the plants are backed up by Hydel and Thermal Power plants. The Ferro alloy plants are producing the products like low carbon silico manganese, low carbon Ferro manganese, high carbon....

» Informed Technologies India Ltd
Informed Technologies India Ltd is a part of Khandelwal group of companies, established in 1946 with business interests in a wide variety of manufacturing and service industries.Gautam Khandelwal studied in the London School of Economics and has a background in building and managing companies across a variety of sectors including manufacturing and real estate for the 70 year old....

» Nagpur Power & Industries Limited
Nagpur Power & Industries Limited is a part of Khandelwal group of Companies, established in 1946 with business interests in a wide variety of manufacturing and service industries.

» National Mineral Development Corporation Ltd
National Mineral Development Corporation Ltd was incorporated in 1958 as a Government of India fully owned public enterprise. NMDC is under the administrative control of the Ministry of Steel , Government of India. Since inception involved in the exploration of wide range of minerals including iron ore, copper, rock phosphate, lime stone, dolomite, gypsum, bentonite, magnesite, diamond, tin, tungsten,....

» Rockwool India Ltd
Rock symbolizes strength, reliability and is a tremendous source of reassurance. Rockwool, as an organization, aligns itself very closely to the properties of the "Rock" which is the raw material that goes into the manufacturing of Rockwool products. Rockwool believes that everything in the universe can be insulated. And the possibilities of insulation and the glorious outcomes are limitless.From....

» Sesa Goa Ltd
Sesa Goa Limited was established in 1954. Currently, the company exports approximately 5 million tons of iron ore, fines and lumps to customers in Japan, China and Europe from ports on both the east and west coasts of India. Besides company mining activities in Goa, they have mining operations in Karnataka and Orissa. Sesa Goa's main mining operations are....

» Shivalik Bimetal Controls Ltd
SHIVALIK is a company specialized in the joining of materials through various methods such as diffusion bonding / Cladding, Electron Beam Welding, Solder Reflow and Resistance Welding. Our present program includes Thermostatic Bimetal, Clad Metal, Spring Rolled Stainless Steels, Electron Beam Welded Material with Multi - Gauge and Multi - Materials Strips and Thermostatic Edge - Welded Strip for....

» Sterlite Industries (India) Ltd
Sterlite Industries (India) Ltd (SIIL), is a leading producer of copper in India. SIIL pioneered the manufacturing of Continuous Cast Copper Rods in India, and established India's largest Copper Smelting and Refining Plant for production of world class refined copper.

Sterlite, a part of Vedanta Resources, a London listed metals and mining major with Aluminium, Copper and Zinc operations....

» SWIL Ltd
Sterlite Industries (India) Ltd (SIIL), is a leading producer of copper in India. SIIL pioneered the manufacturing of Continuous Cast Copper Rods in India, and established India's largest Copper Smelting and Refining Plant for production of world class refined copper.

Sterlite, a part of Vedanta Resources, a London listed metals and mining major with Aluminium, Copper and Zinc operations....

» Tinplate Company of India Ltd
Tinplate Company of India Ltd, an associate of Tata Steel, has pioneered the tinplate industry in India. It is today the largest indigenous producer of tin coated and tin free steel sheets in India, enjoying 35-40% market share and undoubtedly the industry leader for 85 years. The company exports about 20-25% of its production directly to end-users (can-makers) and....

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