India and Israel as technological partners can transform the world: PM Modi

India and Israel as technological partners can transform the world: PM Modi

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said that as technological partners, both Israel and India can transform the world.

During his visit, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will accompany him throughout the visit.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that he sees Israel as a technological partner and expects fruitful cooperation between the two powers that can change the world together.

"Our friendship is very good," he said during his interview with Israeli TV.

When asked how Israel agrees with his worldview regarding the new India, Modi explained that "This is due to the way Israel has managed to develop and grow against all odds. "Israel developed in such a short time and it made everyone look at it in wonder," he noted.

"As soon as they say 'Israel,' they think about innovation, technology, stratosphere, space, agriculture, resource utilization, and this is the fingerprint of Israel, all of these things are very compatible with India's vision. Israel and expand our horizons together. "

Modi termed Israel a "technology partner" of his country. "Innovation is the right way to develop and move forward," he said. "Israel is always at the forefront of innovation, and today we are working together in the field of space technology, and with your potential and our potential, the sky is the limit."

It ignores the differences in size between countries, as well as the differences in population size. "The geographical size does not matter," Moody said. "India has a population of 1.3 billion people, and if we look for a country of our size, we will be left alone, so I think that friendship is very good."

Giving an insight view of his mission to transform India, Modi said, "The goal of my government is to realize the dreams of the younger generation in India," he declared. "Our path is: reforms, performance and changes, so we will reach new heights. India is a country with great potential," he continued.

"We want to focus on these issues in order to create modern India, and in my village, for example, we want to improve the quality of life so that the poor should have their own house."

In 1950, Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru met with Israel, but diplomatic ties were established only in 1992, it took PV Narasimha Rao to establish ties, Atal Bihari Vajpayee to invite an Israeli President and Narendra Modi now to visit Israel and send a strong signal.

"Relations between our governments have been around for 25 years," explained the Prime Minister of India, the change in Israel's perception of his country. "The way we did these years is very important, and we are now at this turning point, and at this point, my visit to Israel will not hurt anyone in India."

Modi is visiting Israel about two weeks after the International Yoga Day. When told that Israel also observed International Yoga Day, Modi said, "If yoga is used as a way to solve problems in the Middle East, it will make me very happy."

The full interview will be broadcast on the "World Order" program Saturday night.