Stigma prevails over last rites of COVID-19 casualties; doctor’s family attacked during burial in Chennai

Stigma prevails over last rites of COVID-19 casualties; doctor’s family attacked during burial in Chennai

The rumours over the coronavirus spreading during the last rites of those who lose their lives to the pandemic are a serious cause of worry. In what is the second such incident in Chennai over the last 10 days, a 55-year old doctor’s burial was opposed by local residents who had come out in protest.

Late Sunday evening, 55-year-old neurologist Simon Hercules, who was the managing director at a hospital in the state capital, had lost his battle with the COVID-19 at another private hospital in the city’s outskirts. The mortal remains were shifted to the Chennai Corporation's burial ground in the Kilpauk locality, only to be faced by protestors. Despite the lockdown and section 144 in place, over 200 protestors were said to be on site, which forced the burial to another graveyard.

On reaching another burial ground in a nearby locality, where the authorities had arranged for an earthmover to dig the pit, a mob of over 50 people attacked the family members and the small group that had accompanied the mortal remains of the doctor. The bereaved family and those who accompanied them had to shelf themselves from stones and sticks that were being hurled.

The family and friends of the deceased doctor were forced to return to a nearby hospital in their ambulance which was badly damaged in the attack.

It was only in the wee hours of the morning that the deceased doctor's friend and two hospital ward boys returned to the burial ground under police protection to lay to rest the senior doctor.

Dr Bhagyaraj, a colleague of the deceased senior medical professional, recalled with teary eyes that Simon was someone who dedicated his life to the service of humanity and that he wouldn’t have contracted the virus if he had chosen to stray away from treating patients.

“Is this the price we have to pay? How will doctors feel safe? We could not save him but we could have at least given him a proper burial. We couldn’t even do that. Will his soul Rest In Peace? Without understanding that there is no risk involved in burying those who have lost their lives to COVID-19, people protested and made us feel bad about having come into this profession. I am really sorry to be saying this.”

The Chennai Police have arrested 20 people for indulging in violence on Sunday night.

State Health Secretary Dr Bela Rajesh tweeted, “Salutations to Dr Simon Hercules for his exemplary service in the fight against COVID-19. Let us stand by each and every healthcare worker, they are the real heroes.”

Amid rising instances of violence and opposition during the last rites of COVID-19 casualties, actor and DMDK leader Vijayakanth offered a portion of land for burying those who lose their lives in the pandemic on the city’s outskirts.