Polydex Pharmaceuticals Limited
Polydex Pharmaceuticals likes its molecules nice and large. Polydex company produces biotech and specialty chemical ingredients for use in veterinary medicines. One of Polydex's leading products, iron dextran, is used to treat anemia in piglets. Polydex sells dextran and derivatives worldwide through subsidiaries Dextran Products and Chemdex. Taking a shot at human pharmaceuticals, the company developed a microbicidal gel for potential use as a contraceptive and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. However, development of the product was suspended pending further investigation. Chairman, president, and CEO George Usher and his family control 47% of the voting stock of the company.
Contact Details
Chairman, President, and CEO; VP, Dextran Products
George G. Usher
COO, Secretary, and Treasurer; President, Dextran Products
Sharon L. Wardlaw