The story of Life Fitness began when two young entrepreneurs, Ray Wilson and Augie Nieto, saw the promise of Dr. Dimick’s invention. Even though it was slightly ahead of its time, they believed the Lifecycle exercise bike could help generations of athletes, trainers, exercisers, and people everywhere live happier, healthier, and more fulfilling lives. Wilson and Nieto bought the rights to the Lifecycle bike from Dr. Dimick, perfected it, and sold it out of a motor home to health clubs across America. Despite the overwhelming odds and initial unpopularity of the Lifecycle exercise bike, the two passion-filled pioneers turned a two-man operation and a seemingly impossible vision into a prosperous reality. Along the way, they shaped the future of Life Fitness as well as the fitness industry, bringing cardiovascular training into the mainstream and helping ignite the health club boom. Today, Life Fitness employs more than 1,700 people at 12 international subsidiaries and manufacturing facilities, with 186 dealers and distributors in more than 120 countries. The company have come a long way since the Lifecycle bike and now offer more than 300 different cardio and strength-training products. The history of Life Fitness is painted with several ground-breaking product innovations and industry “firsts”. The timeline below will help you follow our storied past and learn about the role they have played in the evolution of the fitness industry.