Community Professional Loudspeakers

Community Professional Loudspeakers

As the Woodstock era stretched and opened its eyes, it gave birth to much more than just acid rock and tie dye. A new generation of entrepreneurial spirit was emerging, founded in the counter-culture, anti-establishment ethos of the day. These were companies whose start-up capital was measured not in dollars or stock options, but in innovation, ambition and a desire to mold their own destiny. The refusal to simply accept the status quo, to challenge convention, brought a fresh perspective to a generation that would forever change the rules of Business As Usual.

Certainly, not every endeavor was a success. Many young entrepreneurs were quickly overwhelmed by the harsh realities of the marketplace, and the stark realization that the rules of economics bent only so far. Others became victims of their own success stories, too naïve or ignorant of the disciplines of management and organization to sustain their momentum. Only a few have managed to grow and prosper, and even fewer have maintained the essence of that independent, innovative spirit.

Contact Details

Office Address

Community Professional Loudspeakers
333 E. 5th St.
Chester, PA, USA 19013-4511
Phone: +1-610-876-3400
Fax: +1-610-876-3400


President and Chief Engineer

Bruce Howze

Marketing Services Manager and Public Relations

Steve Goodwin

Business Reviews for Community Professional Loudspeakers

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