Gresham Computing plc

Gresham Computing plc

Gresham Computing - a global company with more than 35 years' experience delivering technology-based solutions to businesses.

Gresham pedigree provides a solid base for the innovative thinking and solutions that Gresham apply to address today's business and technical needs. Gresham also have the finger on the pulse of industry trends. For example, through the joint venture with Cable & Wireless Gresham were the first to provide the market with a means for consolidated, real-time nostro reporting.

Contact Details

Office Address

Gresham Computing plc
Sopwith House, Brook Ave
Warsash, Hampshire, UK SO31 9ZA
Phone: +44-1489-555-500
Fax: +44-1489-555-560



Eric Sepkes


Andrew Walton-Green

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