Workscape Inc.

Workscape Inc.

Workscape is a human resources workhorse. The company provides Web-based software that performs human resources management and benefits administration functions for large organizations, making it possible for employees to access and manage their own information via the Internet. Workscape's applications and services include online employee benefits administration, compensation planning, performance management, and communications consulting and development. The company also offers a 24x7 employee support center for benefit- and HR-related questions. Customers have included Avis Budget Group and Saint Barnabas Health Care System. Workscape was founded in 1999 and operates in the US and the UK.

Contact Details

Office Address

Workscape Inc.
123 Felton Street
Marlborough, MA, USA 01752
Phone: +1-508-573-9000
Fax: +1-508-573-9500


President, CEO and Director

Timothy T. (Tim) Clifford

EVP Finance and Administration

Donald R. Fitch Jr.

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