Enghouse Systems Limited

Enghouse Systems Limited

Enghouse Systems Limited is a publicly traded Canadian based software and services company founded in 1984. Enghouse shares are traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) under the symbol "ESL". Enghouse serves a number of distinct vertical markets through its two divisions, each developing and selling enterprise oriented applications software.

The Asset Management group develops and sells geographic (GIS) based asset management solutions to telecommunications companies, utilities and oil and gas companies globally. Its customers include a broad range of large well-known utilities geographically dispersed. Through its TranSched group, they also offer a comprehensive suite of applications for public and private transportation organizations.

Contact Details

Office Address

Enghouse Systems Limited
80 Tiverton Ct., Ste. 800
Markham, Ontario, USA L3R OG4
Phone: +1-905-946-3200
Fax: +1-905-946-3201


Chairman and CEO

Stephen J. (Steve) Sadler

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