Comverse Technology, Inc.
Comverse Technology helps others converse. Through multiple subsidiaries, CT makes communications systems and software that its customers use to offer call answering, billing, voice and fax mail, communications surveillance, and other services. Comverse also makes digital monitoring systems for call centers and telecom software for information processing. Subsidiary Ulticom provides software used to enable call switching, database, and messaging systems and manage number, routing, and billing data. The company's customers include more than 500 communication and content service providers in more than 130 countries, including BellSouth, Sprint Nextel, and Brazilian telecomm provider, Sercomte.
Contact Details
Office Address
Comverse Technology, Inc.
810 Seventh Ave.
New York, NY, USA 10019
Phone: +1-212-739-1000
Charles J. Burdick
Stephen M. (Steve) Swad