Ultra Electronics Datel

Ultra Electronics Datel

Ultra Electronics Datel company provides a variety of information technology services -- from missile control technology to submarine communications, primarily for customers in the aerospace, defense, and government sectors. Its offerings include engineering services, software development, systems integration, network design, and consulting. Its list of clients includes the UK Highways Agency, Rolls-Royce, EADS, and Syntegra. Formerly Datel Defence, the company has been purchased by Ultra Electronics. Ultra Electronics Datel has been around since the 1980s.

Contact Details

Office Address

Ultra Electronics Datel
Taylor House
Caxton Road
Fulwood, Preston, UK PR2 9ZB
Phone: +44-1772-907-500
Fax: +44-1772-907-501


Managing Director

Ross Parsell

Corporate Communications

Harry Pickett

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