Jigsaw Data Corporation
Jigsaw Data is an online business directory of names and contact information that is contributed and evaluated by members of the company's service. Jigsaw has about 800,000 members (including sales people, recruiters, and market researchers) and a database of about 12 million contacts. Jigsaw also offers limited data (company size, location, and industry) on about 2 million businesses. The company was founded in 2004 by sales executives Jim Fowler (CEO) and Garth Moulton (VP), and engineer Peng-Chong Sien. It is funded by El Dorado Ventures, Norwest Venture Partners, and Austin Ventures.
Contact Details
Office Address
Jigsaw Data Corporation
Two Waters Park Drive, Suite 250
San Mateo, CA, USA 94403
Phone: +650-655-2150
CEO and Director
Jim Fowler
Kevin Akeroyd