Guangzhou Investment Company Limited
Guangzhou Investment Company focuses on real estate, paper, and toll roads, primarily in Hong Kong and China. The firm develops, manages, and invests in real estate properties, and also operates toll highways and bridges through its GZI Transport subsidiary. In addition, Guangzhou Investment makes newsprint paper; the company produces some 300,000 tons of paper each year. Guangzhou Investment Company plans to develop other service areas such as logistics, finance, exhibition, and cultural services. Yue Xiu Enterprises owns about 51% of the company.
Contact Details
Office Address
Guangzhou Investment Company Limited
Yue Xiu Bldg., 26th Fl., 160 Lockhart Rd
Wanchai , Hong Kong
Phone: +852-2511-6671
Fax: +852-2598-7688
Lu Zhifeng
Vice Chairman and General Manager
Zhang Zhaoxing