Cambridge Water PLC
Cambridge Water distributes water to about 125,000 residential customers and business customers in the greater Cambridge area. Overall, the company serves a population of about 300,000. Cambridge Water maintains some 2,140 km of water mains and 34 storage towers and reservoirs. All the water supplied to customers is pumped from 25 underground sources. About 55% of water billed is charged by meter. The company offers its clients the delivery of emergency bottled water; customers pre-order water that Cambridge Water will deliver in the event of a major incident. The company is controlled by Cheung Kong Infrastructure Holdings.
Contact Details
Office Address
Cambridge Water PLC
90 Fulbourn Road
Cambridge, Uk CB19JN
Phone: +44-1223-70-60-50
Fax: +44-1223-21-40-52
Managing Director
Stephen B. Kay