Nova Casualty Company
The senior managers conceived AIX's innovative concept and mission in the summer of 2004.
Combining a deep knowledge of marketing, finance and operations with 15 decades of insurance program expertise, the founder fashioned a state-of-the-art organization focused on a very specialized niche within the insurance industry.AIX soon became a magnet for exceptional underwriters, drawing talent (with a minimum of a decade of experience) from well-known underwriting companies such as General Re, Swiss Re, Employers Re, Discover Re, Chubb and Fireman's Fund.
Contact Details
Office Address
Nova Casualty Company
726 Exchange St., Ste. 1020
Buffalo, NY , USA 14210
Phone: (716) 856-3722
Fax: (716) 855-1240
Robert Schultz
Craig M. Rappaport