Turk Telekom nikasyon A.S
Turk Telekom, its strong infrastructure, the increasing diversity of value-added services from year to year, constantly changing and growing rapidly to reflect the technological capacity of facilities services, 29 more than a thousand staff, the dealer network spread across Turkey, as well as thousands of business partners and service provider both in No fixed telephone operators are among the world. Sabit, mobil ve internet hizmetlerini bir arada sunabilen Türk Telekom; iletişim, teknoloji ve içeriği birleştiren tam entegre servis sağlayıcı olma yolunda emin adımlarla ilerleyen eşsiz bir şirketler grubu ve bu yaklaşımı, müşteri memnuniyetinin kilit unsuru olarak görüyor. 1840 yılında “Postahane-i Amirane” adıyla kurulan günümüzün Türk Telekom'u, 50 hatlık ilk manuel telefon santralini 1909 yılında İstanbul Büyük Postane binasında kurmuş ve 168 yıldır her dönem, çağının teknolojik gelişmelerine ayak uydurarak bugünkü çağdaş kimliğine kavuşmuştur. Fixed, mobile and internet services that can offer a combination of Turkish Telecom, communication, technology and content service provider, combines its way to becoming a fully integrated group of companies, and this is a unique approach to advancing, sees this as a key element of customer satisfaction. In 1840, "Post Office-i imperiously" Established under the name of today's Turk Telekom, 50 lines in Istanbul in 1909, the first automatic telephone switch and 168 years has established the General Post Office building in each period, keeping pace with today's modern identity has reached the age of technological developments.
Contact Details
Office Address
Turk Telekom nikasyon A.S
Turgut Özal Bulvarı 06103 Turgut Ozal Bulvari
Ankara, Turkey 06103
Phone: +90-312-555-1000
Fax: +90-312-324-5311
Mohammed Hariri
Group CEO
Hakam Kanafani