Vodafone-Panafon Hellenic Telecommunications Company S.A.

The Greek affiliate of UK-based wireless phone giant Vodafone Group, Vodafone-Panafon (also known as Vodafone Greece) offers mobile telecommunications services to about 4 million subscribers. The company's services include Internet access (provided under the Vodafone NET brand), wireless data services including text and multimedia messages, multimedia such as games, music, news, and entertainment programming (Vodafone live!). Vodafone-Panafon sells its services and distributes cell phones from about 400 retail locations and online.
Contact Details
Office Address
Vodafone-Panafon Hellenic Telecommunications Company S.A.
1-3 Tzavella Str.,
Halandri, Greece 15231
Phone: +30-210-6702-000
Fax: +30-210-6703-200
Chairman and CEO
Nicos Sophocleous
Director Technology
Nikolaos (Nikos) Mastorakis