Ambient Corporation
Ambient wants to put real power behind communications. Ambient company develops technology that allows power lines to serve as high-speed data communications networks. Ambient's products -- including nodes, couplers, and network management software -- utilize Broadband over Power Line (BPL) and other technologies to create advanced power grids (also known as smart grids) with two-way communication capabilities. Its systems are designed to be used by utility companies for such applications as demand management, direct load control, meter reading, and real-time pricing. Ambient has partnerships with utilities such as Con Ed and Duke Energy to develop its technology.
Contact Details
Office Address
Ambient Corporation
7 Wells Ave
Newton, MA, USA 02459
Phone: (617) 332-0004
Fax: (617) 332-7260
Chairman, President, CEO, and Treasurer
John J. Joyce
VP Operations
Michael (Mike) Quarella