Spirent Communications Inc.

Spirent Communications Inc. knows all about the information highway.Spirent Communications Inc. company specializes in network diagnostic instruments and related software, enabling a variety of high-speed telecom technologies, such as Internet protocol, optical networking, and wireless communications. It is the North American subsidiary of Spirent Communications plc, and the largest geographic business segment within its parent's footprint. Spirent Communications serves customers around the globe, including Alcatel-Lucent, AT&T, China Telecom, and Nokia. Although most of the company's operations are based in North America, Spirent Communications also has offices in India, the UK, and about a dozen other countries.
Contact Details
Office Address
Spirent Communications Inc.
26750 Agoura Rd.
Calabasas, CA, USA 91302-3596
Phone: +1-818-676-2683
Fax: +1-818-880-6299
Edward J. (Ed) Bramson
CEO, Spirent Communications plc
William J. (Bill) Burns