Comital S.p.A.
Comital S.p.A. has sold its hose and compound rubber manufacturing interests in order to concentrate on aluminum rolled products (foils and metal plastic yarns), consumer products (food packaging and cleaning products), and cords and cables (bare copper, enameled, and insulated). The Comital Group has about 20 production facilities in Italy and elsewhere. In 2003 the former Saiag was taken over by the Italian company Cortiplast, which is controlled by the family of Comital's chairman, Cornelio Valetto, and the next year Saiag and subsidiary Comital merged to form the new company.
Contact Details
Office Address
Comital S.p.A.
Strada Brandizzo 130
Volpiano, Torino, Italy 10088
Phone: +39-011-9822-111
Fax: +39-011-9828-100
Chairman and Managing Director
Carlo F. Frau