vCap Investments LLC

vCap Investments LLC

vCap Investments LLC company was founded as Alexander Securities in 1998 by David Granzotti, who launched the company's first hedge fund the following year. vCap Investments is an asset management firm that specializes in four areas: asset management for clients who need investment and financial planning; the private client group, through which is focuses on high-net-worth clients; alternative investments, such as hedge funds; and capital introductions, best described as introducing hedge fund managers to investors. It also offers futures and currency trading.

Contact Details

Office Address

vCap Investments LLC
815-A Brazos Street, Suite 265
Austin, TX, USA 78701
Phone: (512) 377-9842
Fax: (512) 697-0046


Managing Partner

David A. Granzotti

VP Business Development

Peter Lemke

Partner and Managing Director Institutional Sales

Keith Velcich

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