U.S. Central Federal Credit Union

Founded in 1974 and regulated by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), U.S. Central assists corporate credit unions in providing funding, investment and payment services to 7,900 natural-person credit unions across the United States.
U.S. Central’s business focus centers on providing payment and investment solutions for corporate credit unions. Within payments, U.S. Central offers ACH, automated settlement, electronic bill pay and international wire services, along with associated services. U.S. Central also provides security safekeeping services.
Contact Details
Office Address
U.S. Central Federal Credit Union
9701 Renner Boulevard
Suite 100
Lenexa, KS, USA 66219
Phone: (913) 227-6000
Fax: (913) 227-6250
Interim President and CEO
Franois G. Henriquez II
Kathryn (Kathy) Brick