Tauber-Arons, Inc.

Tauber-Arons combines four generations of experience with up-to-the-minute industry awareness to offer unparalleled service and expertise. Established in Chicago in 1892, company headquarters moved to Los Angeles in the 1920s, where it has remained. Tauber-Arons conducts both live and Internet bid auctions, offering clients a global marketing reach. Tauber-Arons, Inc. conduct about 50 auction sales and 300 appraisals worldwide each year, for companies in a wide range of industries including metalworking, food processing and plastics. Tauber-Arons, Inc. established ourselves as a small boutique-style firm, and remain committed to our founding ideals of providing individualized service to every client. Make confident decisions based on accurate, professional guidance from Tauber-Arons.
Contact Details
Tony Arons