Solutran, Inc.

Solutran, Inc.

Solutran has provided a full range of treasury management solutions to the nation’s top corporations and state governments. Solutran's services span the payment spectrum, from paper check processing and conversion to fully electronic payments and WIC processing.

Solutran's check reconciliation services are designed to provide the level of information, control, and convenience needed by companies issuing large volumes of rebate and refund checks. Our solutions help you monitor your account’s activities with multiple reconciliation services and reports to ensure the control measures are in place based on your program needs.

Contact Details

Office Address

Solutran, Inc.
3600 Holly Lane
Suite 60
Minneapolis, MN, USA 55447
Phone: (763) 559-2225
Fax: (763) 559-8872


President and CEO

Barry J. Nordstrand

CFO and Director Operations

Carmen Nordstrand

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