Landauer, Inc. and its subsidiaries provide technical and analytical services to determine occupational and environmental radiation exposure internationally. Landauer, Inc. services include the manufacture of various radiation detection monitors; the distribution and collection of the monitors to and from customers; and the analysis and reporting of exposure findings. Landauer, Inc. offers its services for measuring the dosages of x-ray, gamma radiation, and other penetrating ionizing radiations to which the wearer has been exposed primarily through badges that contain optically stimulated luminescent material, which are worn by customer personnel. Landauer, Inc. provides its radiation dosimetry services to hospitals, medical and dental offices, universities, national laboratories, nuclear facilities, and other industries primarily in the United States, Australia, Brazil, Canada, the People's Republic of China, France, Japan, Mexico, and the United Kingdom. Landauer, Inc. has a joint venture with Nagase-Landauer, Ltd. to provide radiation monitoring services. Landauer, Inc. was founded in 1987 and is based in Glenwood, Illinois.