The Segal Group, Inc.
The Segal Group covers more than 8 million employees worldwide under its benefits programs. The Segal Group company is an employee-owned actuarial, benefits, compensation, and consulting services firm that does business primarily through its subsidiary, The Segal Company. Segal focuses on employees in the corporate, government, and non-profit sectors and offers its services to clients throughout North America, as well as in the Bahamas, Europe, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. Its Sibson Consulting subsidiary offers HR consulting. Established in 1939, the Segal Group operates through offices across the US and Canada.
Contact Details
Office Address
The Segal Group, Inc.
333 West 34th Street
New York, NY, USA 10001-2402
Phone: (212) 251-5000
Fax: (212) 251-5490
Emeritus: Robert D. Krinsky
Howard Fluhr