Zhejiang BOE Display Technology Co., Ltd.

Established in 1993, ZBOE has grown into one of the largest VFD manufacturers in China, and sells its products globally. ZBOE is following the path of its patron BOE Technology Group, it just operates on a smaller scale. Zhejiang BOE Display Technology (ZBOE) provides research and development as well as manufacturing of small size displays, specializing in Vacuum Fluorescent Displays (VFDs). An affiliate of BOE Technology Group, the company also manufactures VFC cover glass and LED (light emitting diode) displays, as well as control boards and modules used in household appliances, instruments, car displays, and industrial products.
Contact Details
Office Address
Zhejiang BOE Display Technology Co., Ltd.
Bridge C-1, E. Renmin Road
Shaoxing, Zhejiang, China 312000
Phone: +86-575-8864-6699-9046
Fax: +86-575-8865-2890
Sun Jiping