Dune Energy, Inc.
Dune Energy, Inc. (DNE), an independent exploration and development company incorporated in Delaware, has operations focused along the Louisiana and Texas Gulf Coasts. Dune’s strategy is to grow organically through low-risk exploitation and development and higher risk exploration of its existing properties and acreage. This will be supplemented with opportunistic acquisition of underdeveloped properties that complement Dune’s existing portfolio. The oil and gas exploration and production independent has leases on 100,000 gross acres across 23 producing oil and natural gas fields along the Texas and Louisiana Gulf Coast. In 2008 Dune Energy reported proved reserves of 8.2 million barrels of oil and 83.8 billion cu. ft. of natural gas. Dune Energy, Inc. has a more than two-year current drilling inventory for its properties along the Gulf Coast. Swiss bank UBS owns 35% of the company; Russian gas company ITERA's Tierra Holdings BV unit, 33%.
Contact Details
Office Address
Dune Energy, Inc.
Two Shell Plaza,777Walker Street
Suite 2300
Houston, Texas, USA 77002
Phone: (713) 229-6300
Fax: (713) 229-6388
Alan D. Gaines
President, CEO, and Director
James A. Watt