Emerged to erase the sigh of scores, Opulentus-the Visa Company, has started functioning since 2001. At a point of time when immigration word sounded Greek and Latin to scores, Opulentus appeared like an oasis. Little did the people know about the steps involved in visa processing and the fee for the same—and the result, individual opportunists popped up to mint money from the innocents.Unable to witness the vain of people, Opulentus has thrown open its doors and created the sensation in the very first people. As thousands flocked to our office to clear their doubts, Opulentus patiently entertained everyone’s concern and cleared their doubts.Since then there was no look back moment for Opulentus-the Visa Company. Making honesty as its foundation and commitment to customers as pillars, Opulentus grew in width and length, expanding to four important nations—USA, UK, Ireland and Canada, and creating a huge fan base in more than two dozen countries.