Ace Dynamics

"ACE DYNAMICS" is a 100% Indian Company, working on Eco-friendly water harvesting Management Technology. We do design, manufacture and undertake annual maintenance contracts for Water Treatment Plants, Waste Water Treatment Plants, Effluent Treatment Plants, Reverse Osmosis Systems and Ozone Generators under the brand name "BLUE SEA". Our cost effective engineering and Design drafting made our presence for both Green field & Brown field projects. We manufacture state of the art, cost effective Ozone generators of different capacities. Our dedication towards the product and zeal to make the customer aware of the advantages and benefits of Ozonization has been key to our success. Ozone is a form of elemental Oxygen and very reactive gas with many commercial and Industrial applications. It is often used as an environmental friendly alternative to Chlorine or' Chlorine dioxide for bleaching, Sanitization or' disinfection of water & air.