Jehangir Hospital
Jehangir Hospital was established in 1946. Today, 67 years in the service of providing quality healthcare with commitment and distinction, Jehangir Hospital holds a steadfast position of trust and respect in the hearts and minds of the people it serves. It is an institution renowned for its medical excellence, the dedication of its consultants and the care and compassion of its staff. Jehangir Hospital began as Jehangir Nursing Home when its founders, Sir Cowasji Jehangir and Lady Hirabai Jehangir, invited the eminent Dr. Eduljee H. Coyaji to set up a facility that could offer personalized care of high quality at an affordable price to the people of Poona. On the 6th of February, 1946, with only a few beds, it became the city's first significant private hospital. Soon Jehangir Nursing Home had a bed strength of 60 and had added facilities as the first professionally run hospital kitchen and linen department. As patient demand increased, so did the number of beds and facilities.