Sanisoft Technologies Pvt. Ltd

SANIsoft, an ISO 9001:2008 Company, based in Nagpur, India specializes in development of large, high performance as well as scalable PHP applications since 1998. We work on Open Source Technologies and are experts in programming web applications using PHP and MySQL. The web applications we program are custom made to suit the project’s exact requirements. Our team has extensive experience in developing applications using PHP frameworks such as CakePHP. Conversant with XHTML, Javascript and JQuery, we also develop applications using Zend framework and CodeIgniter. All our programmers are Zend Certified PHP5 engineers and have ample PHP programming experience.
Contact Details
Contact Us
Sanisoft Technologies Pvt. Ltd
15, Atomic Energy Road
Nagpur, MH 440023
Phone: +91-7104-660336
Fax: +91-7104-222566