Veev is an exclusive offering, with woven-leather goods as its specialty. Its collection includes handbags and wallets, all made with the trademark woven leather.We believe that the design process starts with the study of the relationship between the woman and her bag. Bags have evolved over time with certain forms and functions taking a unique place in the women's minds and in history. We acknowledge that fact and are inspired by it. From that point, we shape our bags with our unique twist on design based on the spirit of our times, signature embellishment techniques and evolved craftsmanship to design bags that are distinct and elegant complements to women's varied needs.We believe that Leather has a natural beauty of its own and our duty is to enhance and adorn it. This belief is at the core of how we treat the leather and employ it to craft our bags. While we select a variety of leathers and textures to suit our varied collection of bags, we are especially partial to the natural vegetable tanned leathers that are finished in a way to highlight their natural grain and texture.
Contact Details
Contact Address
C/o.Srivathsa Industries, Door No.378/3,third Street Lotus Colony, Thattankulam Road
Chennai, TN 600060
Mobile: +91-9840223733