Poly Qual India Pvt Ltd

Poly-Qual is one of the few companies in world offering Design & Construction of Towers under one roof. Established in 1996, with an objective to satisfy customers with our products & services, we are also now the Manufacturer & Exporter of Tailor Made Hot Dip Galvanized Steel Lattice Towers & Guyed Masts and have specialized in complete range of Light, Medium & Heavy duty self-supporting Angular, Tubular & Hybrid Towers for Rooftop & Ground Base applications.We have Designed, Fabricated & Installed Tower height from 6 Mtrs to 150 Mtrs height. Our products are used for various ends like Communication, Microwave Links, Wireless, Paging, Cellular Telephony, Lighting, Wind Energy. With our well experienced technical teams we are able to provide a total turnkey solution in the area of Telecom both in Domestic & Global Markets. Poly-Qual’s products range includes Self Supporting Tower, Guyed Masts, Monopole for Telecommunications, Microwave, Television, Radio, Defence, Windmill for Security & other Diverse Application.Our Towers are being exported to various countries in Middle East, Africa, South Asian Countries, UK & USA.