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  This page contains the list of companies in Power Generations category. Click on the company name to get further details of the company.
» Instrument Techniques Pvt Ltd
ITL has four decades of pedigree in 'Design and Manufacture' of Electrical and Electronics. They can be broadly classified under Power Electronics, Control & Automation and Instruments for Test & Measuring. The products include Power Conditioning Equipment, Servo Controlled Voltage Stabilizers, UPS systems, Motor Drives, Isolation Transformers, Insulation Testers, High Voltage Break Down Testers, Earth Resistance Testers, Digital Instruments....

» Instrumentation Ltd
Self reliance in Control and Instrumentation and the growing need for an indigenous source of supply of C&I systems for core industries like power, steel, oil, gas, refineries, petrochemicals and chemicals - it was to achieve this prime objectives that Instrumentation Ltd (IL) was established at Kota, Rajasthan in 1964. This unit manufactures a wide range of electronic and....

» Instruments & Equipments
Instruments & Equipments provides abrasion testers, accessibility test sets, ammeters, ball pressure testers, barometers, micro ammeters, micro voltmeters, microscopes, milli ammeters, phase sequence gauges/meters, power gauges/meters, power supplies Dc, power supplies uninterruptible, pressure gauges/meters, profile projectors, pumps pressure, pumps test, pumps vacuum, turbidity gauges/meters, twist testers, vacuum gauges/meters, var gauges/meters, voltage stabilisers, voltmeters, wattmeters etc.,

» Integrated Services & Consultancy
Integrated Services & Consultancy provides counters, function generators, lcr gauges/meters, milli ohmmeters, milli voltmeters, multimeters, oscilloscopes, power gauges/meters, power supplies, power supplies Ac, power supplies custom built, power supplies Dc, power supplies high voltage/current, power supplies linear, power supplies switch mode, safety systems, signal generators, spectrum analysers.

» Intel Micro Electronics Pvt Ltd
Breakdown Testers, Cable Fault Locators, Converters Dc-dc, Electronic Components, Inverters, Logic Analysers, Oscilloscopes, Pattern Generators, Power Supplies, Power Supplies Switch Mode, Power Supplies Uninterruptible, Rectifiers, Transformers Constant Voltage, Voltage Regulators, Voltage Stabilisers.

» International Instruments Industries
Ammeters, Anemometers, Blind Controllers, Coat Gauges/meters, Counters, Earth Testers, Frequency Gauges/meters, High Voltage Test Sets, Hygrometers, Insulation Testers, Multimeters, Ohmmeters, Oscilloscopes, Ph Gauges/meters, Phase Sequence Gauges/meters, Power Supplies, Preventor, Probes, Proximity Switches, Relays, Rheostats, Rotary Switches, Rpm Counters, Tachometers, Temperature Gauges/meters, Thermocouples, Thermometers, Timers, Tong Testers, Transformers, Voltmeters, Wheatstone Bridges.

» Jaiprakash Hydro Power Ltd
The Jaypee group is a well diversified infrastructural industrial group of India with a turnover of over Rs.3000 crores (USD 650 million) that commenced its operations in 1972 as a partnership firm then known as Jaiprakash Associates. Three decades later with growth and diversification the group is now engaged in the businesses of Engineering and Construction, Manufacturing & marketing....

» JaiPrakash Hydro-power Limited
The Jaypee group is a well diversified infrastructural industrial group of India with a turnover of over Rs.3000 crores (USD 650 million) that commenced its operations in 1972 as a partnership firm then known as Jaiprakash Associates. Three decades later with growth and diversification the group is now engaged in the businesses of Engineering and Construction, Manufacturing & marketing....

» Jeeyvee Enterprise
Ac Gauges/meters, Alarms, Anemometers, Balances, Bomb Calorimeters, Calibration Baths, Calibration Benches, Carbon Analysers, Colorimeters, Compass Magnetic, Conductivity Gauges/meters, Counters, Dart Impact Testers, Data Loggers, Dc Gauges/meters, Density Gauges/meters, Drop Testers, Electrophoresis Apparatus, Environmental Test Chambers, Flame Photometers, Flash Point Testers, Flow Gauges/meters, Galvanometers, Haze Gauges/meters, Hydrometers, Kelvin Bridges, Laboratory Equipment, Line Frequency Gauges/meters, Liquid Level Controllers, Magnetic Compass, Magnifiers,....

» Jesco Scientific Products
Dc Drives, Function Generators, Limit Switches, Logic Analysers, Moisture Controllers, Moisture Gauges/meters, Multimeters, Oscilloscope-cum-multimeter, Oscilloscopes, Pcb Testers, Pcb Troubleshooters, Photoelectric Sensors, Power Supplies, Proximity Sensors, Recorders, Spectrum Analysers, Temperature Indicator/controllers, Thermocouples, Timers, Training Systems.

» Jivan Jyoti Centre
Inverters, Power Supplies Uninterruptible.

» Kana Electromechs
Kana Electromechs started as a Partnership Company, promoted by two brothers Shri. Arun R. Naniwadekar & Shri. Deepak R. Naniwadekar in the year 1982. Since beginning company is working in the field of Process Control Instrumentation. Inductive Proximity Switches, Electronic Speed Switches, 4-20mA Converters & customer specific Interlocking Systems were some of the earlier products which gave name &....

» Kanji Precision Works (P) Ltd
High Voltage Breakdown Testers, Insulation Testers, Panel Gauges/meters, Power Supplies Uninterruptible.

» KB Electronics
Access electronics design and develop power conversion equipment to suit a wide range of applications like.... Plc Control Panels, Process Control, Annunciators, Medical Electronics, Battery Charging, Communications etc. for industries ranging from Chemicals, Fertilisers, Cement, Railways Their products include Dc-Dc Converters, Smps, Dc-Ups and Battery Chargers.

» Keith Electronics
Keith Electronics was established in the year 1980. It is today a pioneer in the field of marketing and repairing of Test & Measuring instruments of globally renowned overseas manufacturers who are amongst the leader in Electronic Industry. Keith Electronics is committed to maximizing customer satisfaction and strives to achieve the goal of excellence through ongoing developments, sales of....

» Kencraft Equipments
It has been our prime endevour at Kencraft India Pvt. Ltd. to provide all kinds of requirements of quality hi-tech educational training systems, electronic educational trainers and defence training systems.Our wide, exhaustive range of product profile includes Automotive, Aeronautical, Advanced Manufacturing, Electrical & Power, Test & Measuring, Renewable Energy, Robotics, Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV), Security Systems, Motors Controls, EMI/EMC....

» Keprej Electronics
Ac Drives, Dc Drives, Power Supplies, Power Supplies Dc, Power Supplies Uninterruptible, Transformers, Transformers Constant Voltage, Voltage Stabilisers.

» Laxtronics Instruments & Controls P Ltd
Operational Excellence excels on advanced reliable instrumentation and support services. Our proactive involvement in snag analysis and identification of problem has resulted in creative indigenous development of reliable Avionics. Innovative product R&D coupled with proficiency in reliability engineering has achieved successful indigenous development of Centralized Warning Unit, Engine Jet Nozzle Controller for MiG21 and MiG27 aircraft. Over forty....

» Leptron Electronic Products
Audio Oscillators, Panel Gauges/meters, Power Supplies.

» Link
Converters, Frequency Counters, Function Generators, Ic Testers, Luxmeters, Multimeters, Oscilloscopes, Power Supplies, Power Supplies Uninterruptible, Signal Generators, Sound Level Instruments Db, Tachometers, Tong Testers, Voltage Stabilisers.

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