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  This page contains the list of companies in Electrical category. Click on the company name to get further details of the company.
»  Transerect Testing and Commissioning Engineers Pvt. Ltd
Transerect was founded in 1992, by Mr. S.V. Mahendra a very philathropick, trust worthy and very hard working by nature. The mission and vision for Transerect in ords of Mr. S.V. Mahendra we are one of the leading consultants testing & commissioning engineers in India as on date. We are looking to be a one of the leading consultants....

» All-Tec Electrical Engineers
Accent is India's No.1 manufacturer of Proximity Sensors. We manufacture the finest switches in India. Though these switches are on par with most major international makes, they are available at a fraction of the cost. International Quality is thus available at Indian Prices. stablished in 1985 we are a pioneering manufacturer of non-contact sensors in India. In 1987 we....

» Allied Electric Engg Co
The Allied Group has emerged as Leading Inventor, Innovator, and Implementer of Leading-Edge Technology enabled Solutions operating in the motors, Transformers, Electrical, Electronics Industrial Power Products. ALLIED ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO. is established in 1954 at Bakarawadi, Dr. Ambedkar Road, Baroda, by taking up repair of small types of electric Motors.Allied Brings State-of-the Art Technology That Adds Value to Customers....

» Anand Electricals

Anand Electrical soll all Electrical & Electronic Goods Sales & Services and Home Appliances. Electrician Service Available On Call.

» Anchor Electricals Pvt Ltd
Anchor was incorporated in 1963 and in 40 years has become one of the largest manufacturer's of electrical switches and accessories in the world.

» AP Montoronix Pvt. Ltd.
DEC 1700 series are reversing proportional motors used to operate dampers or valves in Electric Modulating Circuits. Electric actuators are designed to meet the requirement of damper control, valve control applications where it is generally required to drive the load through less than one complete revolution either direction and to stop instantaneously at any point of the stroke. Such....

» Asian Electrical & Electronics
Starter, Contactor, Relays & Spares, Main Switches, Change Over Switches & Spares, Fuses, U.G. Cable & Cables, Rotary Switches, Micro Switches, Limit Switches, Coils, Heat Controls, Doides & Thyristor.

» Atel Devices & Systems
ATEL DEVICES & SYSTEMS was established with an objective to bring in high-end engineering technology to the industrial sector at a time when the world is fast embracing it. The unit promoted in 1991 by Engineering professionals, Late N.Nagaraja Rao, N. Guru prasad and N. Nanda kishore has been to the forefront of its objective. Late N.Nagaraja Rao super....

» Avante Global Services
Indian industry strives to assimilate new technologies from all over the world to build modern India. We have taken that as an opportunity and provide solutions to local businuesses from manufacturers spread all over the world. Our base is spread over a wide spectrum of industries which includes Petrochemical, Power, Transport, Power Electronics, Automation, Oil & Gas, Solar Photovoltiac,....

» Bhagyashree Industries
Bhagyashree Industries manufactures high quality power adapters under the brand name Silicon. Power adapters range include line version, regulated version and AMPS version from 3 to 100 W. Application of power adapters are many and to name a few: computer segment-modems, laptops, routes, hubs, printers, LAN, extenders etc, communication segment includes cordless phones, fax machine, cell phones etc industrial....

» Cdcon
Anemometers, Combustible Gas Detectors, Combustion Efficiency Monitoring Systems, Electric Demand Analysers, Electrical Energy Analysers, Energy Gauges/meters, Energy Meter Test Benches, Energy Monitoring Systems, Flow Gauges/meters, Furnace Controllers, Harmonic Analysers, Hot Metal Detectors, Luxmeters, Maximum Demand Gauges/meters, Metal Detectors, Power Gauges/meters, Power Line Transducers, Process Instrumentation, Pyrometers, Sound Level Instruments Db, Stack Gas Gauges/meters, Steam Trap Testers, Thermometers, Thickness Gauges/meters,....

» Crystal Electric Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Crystal Electric Co. Pvt. Ltd. is an ISO 9001 : 2000 certified company manfacturers Crystal brand On Load Changeover Switches, Fuse Switch Combination Units, Switch Fuse Changeovers, Load Break Switches Disconnector Fuse Units, MCB's, MCCB's, Isolator, MCO, Rewireable & HRC Switch Fuse & Fuse Switch Units etc.

» Delta Control Engg Corp
Delta Control Engineering Corporation, since it's inception in 1978, have concentrated mainly in the field of electrical testing and measuring instruments. Reliability and precision have been the theme which brought patronization from leading electrical equipment manufacturers as well as many standards organizations.

» Deluxe Electrical Corpn
Since the starting in year 1976, Deluxe Electric Corporation, is one of the successful traders and suppliers of Electrical Testing Equipments. The organization has supplied immense range of products including Digital Clamp Meter, Insulator Testes and Digital Multimeter. The company has provided reliable, sustainable and durable products in the market which have completely satisfied all the various demands of....

» Duke Arnics Electronics Pvt Ltd
Manufacturer & Distributors of Metering, Monitoring and Management of Electricity, Switches, Cables, Junction Boxes and Electronic Trivector Meter.

» Elak Private Limited
Elak Private Limited is an ISO 9001:2000 certified company with over 30 years of experience in the manufacture of Battery Chargers, Battery Testers, Auto Electrical Benches, Tyre Pressure Indicators, etc. Its products are the largest selling brand in the country and are recommended and used by all leading battery and automotive manufacturers.

Elak exports to several countries world-wide....

» Electronic Instruments & Machinery Corp
Air Velocity Gauges/meters, Alarm Annunciators, Ampere Gauges/meters, Analysers, Automobile Testers, Balances, Bar Graph Gauges/meters, Battery Testers, Bearing Analysers/testers, Bearing Testers, Bridge Meghohmmeters, Cable Fault Locators, Cable Route Locators, Cable Testers, Cable/wire Length Gauges/meters, Calibration Standards, Calibrators, Caliper Gauges/meters, Calipers, Capacitance Gauges/meters, Capacitor Testers, Carbon Monoxide Analysers, Chart Recorders, Clamp Gauges/meters, Clamp Testers, Coil Turns Testers, Component Testers, Conductivity Bridges,....

» Goldstone Teleservices Limited
Goldstone Teleservices Limited is an ISO-9001:2000 certified company and its R & D Center is recognized by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Govt. of India. GTSL is the largest manufacturer and suppliers of Heat Shrinkable Telecom Cable Closures and other Telecom accessories in India. Goldstone Teleservices Limited (GTSL) is a public listed company. GTSL is currently traded....

» Harsha welding Systems Pvt. Ltd.
It is also known as capacitors discharge welder. This is very advanced technology for projection welding; a small job and a very large job can e weld on this kind of machine. Capacitor Discharge welding machine saves very large amount of electricity due to its technology, compare to resistance welder. In this technology, bank of capacitors (battery) is charged....

» Havell's India Limited
Havells India Ltd is a billion-dollar-plus organization, and is one of the largest & India's fastest growing electrical and power distribution equipment manufacturer with products ranging from Industrial & Domestic Circuit Protection Switchgear, Cables & Wires, Motors, Fans, Power Capacitors, CFL Lamps, Luminaires for Domestic, Commercial & Industrial applications, Modular Switches, & Bathfittings covering the entire gamut of household,....

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