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  This page contains the list of companies in Detergents category. Click on the company name to get further details of the company.
» Chemisynth / Trisis Corp.
Manufacturers & exporters of household & industrial cleaner, industrial detergents, nonionic detergents, wetting agents, acid slurry, foam boosters, textile auxilliaries, emulsifiers etc.

» Chemitex Industries
Manufacturers and exporters of soaps and detergents.

» Chemyx Corporation
Manufacturers of scouring powder, scouring bars, detergent powders and detergent cakes.

» Chetak Pigments
Manufacturers, suppliers and exporters of detergents, sodium sulfite, red oxide (sindoor), coloured powder (gulal), paints and white washing, plastic products, industrial products, clothing and rubber products.

» City Overseas
Engaged in manufacturing and exporting of soaps.

» Coatings and Synthetics
Engaged in supplying and producing detergents and nonionic detergents. Also deals in finishing chemicals such as cold water soluble cationic softener flakes, cold water soluble instant soluble cationic softener powder, macro silicone softeners etc.

» Cochin Petromins Ltd
Cochin Petromins Pvt Ltd., is a reputed chemical company in India. The activities comprising imports, supply and distribution of various Industrial Chemicals, Solvents and Polymer products in addition to manufacturing various grades of Solvent based Lacquer Thinners and Chafing Flames (Flame Gel). The company located in Kochi (formerly known as Cochin) in the State of Kerala of Southern part....

» Concept India, Inc.
Manufacturers of "Quick Wash", an automatic toilet bowl cleaner. the highly concentrated liquid which gives fragrance, cleans gently and prevents stains in long run use. quick wash is available in different colors and fragrances viz. strawberry, rose etc.

» Daga Finmark India Ltd
Manufacturers and exporters of all kinds of tuf liquid detergent, high grade liquid soap, standard liquid soap etc.

» Dhanbir Enterprises
Manufacturers of detergent powder, laundry soap, liquid detergent and detergent cakes.

» Dr. Ingleshwar & Associates
Shachi specializes in turnkey projects and lay high emphasis on innovation, understanding customer's requirements and provides superior quality structurally integral industrial process equipment and engineered process equipment that benefit clients business. We relentlessly induce latest technology and innovation into our design, engineering and production process.

» Dreamz Trading Co.
Supliers of soaps.

» Eagle Ultramarine Industries
Manufacturers and exporters of ultramarine blue laundry and industrial rgade since 1972 for bestrates in 10-15 gms., 30,50,100,200,400 gms. 1, 5,10,25,50 kgs.

» Effermint India Ltd
Manufacturing of sovrin washing soap, royal feel shampoo, sovrin detergent powder and sovrin toilet soap.

» Elegant Pharmaceuticals Ltd
Supplying a range of detergents.

» Emami Ltd
Emami Limited is one of the leading and fastest growing personal and healthcare businesses in India, with an enviable portfolio of household brand names such as BoroPlus, Navratna, Fair and Handsome, Zandu Balm, Mentho Plus Balm and Fast Relief.

Established in 1974, we have a portfolio of over 250 products based on ayurvedic formulations. Our current operations comprise more....

» Emera Ayurvedic & Cosmetics
Wholesale manufacturer and exporter of beauty soaps and soaps.

» Essaar Export, Tamil Nadu
Exporter of detergent powder.

» Excel Rasayan Pvt. Ltd
Manufacturer and exporters of synthetic detergents, liquid detergents, powder detergents, bar detergents, scouring powders and fabric brightner cum stain remover.

» Fena (P) Ltd
FENA is a first generation entrepreneurial venture, which was started in 1976 with modest resources. Over the years, it has grown steadily to its present position and is recognized as a leading player in the field of fabric care, home care & personal care products in India with a growing export business spanning a diversified product range. FENA today,....

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