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  This page contains the list of companies in Agrochemicals category. Click on the company name to get further details of the company.
» Bharat Group
Bharat Group are committed to delight our customers by supplying high quality products at competitive prices and within the committed timelines" Inspired by this vision and built on a strong foundation of ethical values, Bharat Group established four decades ago, has come a long way and today it happens to be a US$ 110 Million enterprise. With its three....

» Nagarjuna Agrichem Limited
Shri KVK Raju founded the Nagarjuna Group in 1973 with an investment of INR 50 Million. He was a Technocrat, with a Masters degree in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering from Michigan State University and the University of Minnesota, USA. He worked with multinationals including Union Carbide before starting his own venture. He started the Nagarjuna Group with the....

» Paushak Limited
Paushak is part of the Alembic group of companies situated in Gujarat, India. Alembic Ltd is the oldest pharmaceutical company in India founded in 1907 and has celebrated a "hundred years of excellence". Over the years Paushak has established a multi-product capability in Phosgene & its derivatives manufacturing.

» Pearl Polymers Limited
In 1984, a company started by Technical Entrepreneurs used an advanced Injection Stretch Blow Molding (ISBM) technology, a process that had yet not been fully developed as a suitable production method in India, to forever change to the concept of PET bottles, jars and containers. Pearl Polymers Limited, realizing the potential of food grade and recyclable polymer, started with....

» Rallis India Limited
Rallis India limited is leading manufacturer of pesticides in India. There are around 20-25 technicals manufactured by rallis. Other than pesticides, rallis is dealing in seeds & fertlizers. Rallis has its own technical manufacturing units & one formulation unit in India. "Rallis India manufactures and marketing quality products for agriculture including pesticides, seeds and ferilizers. The agrochemicals division with....

» RNK Agro & Chemicals Ltd
RNK Agro & Chemicals Ltd., is a Hyderabad based company, part of large and popular KEDIA FAN Group. The group has vast experience of over 50 years in the field of Fats, and Oleo chemicals, besides having KEDIA fan brand- a electrical durable product-that is exported to over 45 countries in the world.

» Syschem (India) Limited
Syschem (India) Limited (SIL) is a Listed Company engaged in the manufacturing of Bulk Drugs/ Intermediates / Specialty Chemicals and contract manufacturing. The company is owned and operated by a highly committed group of techno commercial professionals having vast experience of Bulk Drug business. Their comprehensive capabilities, creative approaches to problem-solving, and track record of reliability and compliance make....

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