This page contains the list of companies in Tyre Manufacturers category. Click on the company name to get further details of the company. |
» Apollo Tyres Ltd. Apollo Tyres Ltd. are always on a look out for newer opportunities. And when they do not come our way, we go ahead and create them. Over the years, we have created opportunities for success; opportunities for growth; opportunities for a brighter future. Our never- ending pursuit for excellence has made us travel through almost every road and create.... |
» Birla Tyres Birla Tyres entered the Indian tyre market in 1991. The manufacturing facilities are located at Balasore in Orissa. In ten years of operation, it has scaled new heights of productivity. The initial capacity of 1 million tyres per annum has since been enhanced to 1.5 million tyres per annum. The new millennium saw it roll out high performance Steel.... |
» Elgitread (India) Ltd Elgitread (India) Ltd are committed to understanding your needs as a retreader and providing the appropriate solution through a comprehensive range of services.We provide everything you need from market survey, project planning and know-how, to training, supply of equipment and raw material, service and technology support. |
» Falcon Tyres Ltd Falcon Tyres LtdFalcon manufactures and markets a wide range of nylon bias ply tyres which includes low aspect ratio of varying Load Index, Uni-Directional tyres, Tube less tyres (Scooter) and butyl tubes for two and three wheelers, passenger cars, jeep, light commercial vehicles and farm vehicles, under 'DUNLOP' brand for the domestic market and 'FALCON' brand for overseas market. |
» Govind Rubber Limited Govind Rubber Limited is a part of a big Industrial group called SIYARAM PODDAR GROUP(SPG). The group is engagged in the business of diverse products like Tires,Textiles and Paper products. GRL Tire range in "INTERNATIONAL" brand is reconed for high degree quality consistency.It has earned customer confidence and goodwill in international and domestic markets with prestigious OEM's and.... |
» Paragon Polymer Products Pvt Ltd. Paragon group is India's largest selling rubber footwear company with over 40 products in its portfolio. The company has over three decades of expertise and rich experience in Rubber technology. Paragon is ably serviced by its excellent countrywide dealer and distribution network. Keeping up with the evolving trends and market demands, Paragon's design department adds Several new products to.... |
» The Ceat Shoppe Flotation Implement & Trailer Tyres, Multi Purpose Truck Tyres, Truck Tyres, Light Commercial Vehicle Tyres,Industrial & OTR tyres, Farm Tyres, Car & Jeep Tyres, 2 & 3 Wheeler Tyres. |
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